Totally You!

A Retreat Integrating Spirituality, Sexuality & Intimacy

Diamante Valley, Costa Rica

January 26 - February 1, 2025

If you're a man who's grappling with spirituality vs. sexuality, as well as societal expectations of masculinity, and if you’re searching for the truest expression of yourself, then join me for a retreat in the wilds of Costa Rica, where you'll let go of expectations, find connection and deeper meaning, and learn how to live life on your own terms, with purpose, confidence and fulfillment.

(Gay, bisexual, and queer cis- or trans-men of any age, body shape, race, and background are welcome. Straight-identified men are welcome with the understanding that there will be intimate contact with other men, though you will be able to establish your own boundaries.)

A Transformational Retreat for Men in Costa Rica.

You awaken to the symphony of exotic birdsong, sunlight filtering through the emerald canopy of the Diamante Valley. The air thrums with vibrant life, a potent energy mirroring the transformation stirring within you. Dawn paints the sky in hues of soft pink and gold. 

As you step outside, lush greenery envelops you, the towering trees and vibrant tropical flowers creating a vivid tapestry all around you. Sunlight filters through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. 

You stretch and yawn, exulting in the fresh morning air. In the distance, you can see crystal-clear rivers wind their way through the valley, leading your gaze to the majestic Nauyaca Falls, where water cascades down in a mesmerizing dance. You open your senses even more, listening to the symphony of the rainforest. The melodic calls of exotic birds harmonize with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. 

As you marvel at the splendor the Diamante Valley, the earthy aroma of the rainforest, rich with the scent of moist soil and verdant foliage, fills your lungs. Floral notes from blooming orchids and hibiscus add a sweet, delicate fragrance to the air.

It's all so invigorating, even intoxicating, to be cradled in this amazingly lush environment. But most intoxicating of all is that you can already sense what's in store for you.

This isn't your ordinary vacation; it's a sacred journey designed to awaken the multifaceted man you were meant to be.

On this retreat, you will:

  • Integrate Sexuality, Spirituality, and Intimacy: Through Tantra, touch and intimacy workshops, and group discussions, gain a deep understanding of yourself and your desires, leaving you feeling whole and powerfully alive.

  • Discover Your Life’s Purpose: Gain clarity on your purpose and meaning in life, so you can leave with a renewed sense of direction and motivation.

  • Cultivate Strong Relationships: You will develop profound insights and emotional intelligence to nurture strong, meaningful relationships with others and with yourself.

  • Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: Explore your sexuality and embrace who you truly are without fear, embarking on a liberating journey of self-discovery.

Radiate from within.

Imagine yourself returning home, a newfound clarity radiating from within. You hold your head a little higher, a quiet confidence replacing past hesitations. Here's a glimpse of the possibilities that await you:

  • Embraced Sexuality: You've integrated your sexuality with a newfound sense of self-acceptance. Intimacy becomes a deeper, more meaningful experience, free from past inhibitions.

  • Spiritual Connection: You've unearthed a deeper connection to your inner spirit. Whether it's a renewed faith, a stronger sense of purpose, or simply a newfound appreciation for the present moment, you feel more grounded and at peace.

  • Authentic Relationships: You've shed the masks and embraced your true self. This authenticity attracts genuine connections, fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships, both romantic and platonic.

  • Empowered Action: You've gained clarity on your goals and values. This newfound sense of purpose fuels your actions, propelling you towards a life that feels truly aligned.

  • Brotherhood Bond: The retreat forged a powerful bond with like-minded men. You have a network of support, a safe space to share vulnerabilities and celebrate victories, knowing you're not alone on your journey.

This retreat won't be the end of your journey, but a powerful catalyst. You'll return home equipped with the tools and newfound confidence to navigate life's challenges and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

Join us on this sacred journey and find the true essence of who you are, in the company of a brotherhood that will walk with you every step of the way.

The Jungle Gayborhood

In the heart of Costa Rica's Diamante Valley lies the Jungle Gayborhood – a sanctuary not just of place, but of self.

Welcome to The Jungle Gayborhood, where we’ll stay:

Imagine handcrafted bamboo cabins nestled amongst the vibrant rainforest canopy, each a private haven for reflection and rejuvenation. Waking to the symphony of exotic birds and the distant murmur of the Diamante River, you'll feel the weight of the world begin to melt away.

The Jungle Gayborhood isn't just accommodation; it's a canvas upon which you'll paint your transformation. Here, amidst the whispering leaves and the dappled sunlight, you'll find the space to explore the multifaceted nature of your masculinity.

An open-air yoga deck nestled amongst the trees become your sacred space for connecting with your body and spirit. The refreshing waters of the nearby waterfall offer a chance for a cleansing ritual, washing away societal expectations and revealing your authentic self.

Evenings bring a different kind of connection. Gather around the crackling fire at the heart of the Gayborhood, sharing stories and vulnerabilities with a brotherhood of men seeking the same path. The shared laughter and open conversations weave a tapestry of belonging, replacing isolation with a profound sense of connection.

This shared experience becomes a potent catalyst, accelerating your journey towards wholeness.

Buen Provecho!

Imagine your taste buds awakening to a vibrant dance of colors and flavors. This isn't just a meal; it's a journey through the heart of Costa Rica on your plate. In the Diamante Valley, fresh, life-bursting ingredients take center stage.

Picture glistening, bright orange mango slices mingling with creamy avocado chunks, their contrasting textures a playful prelude. Platters overflow with sunshine-yellow pineapple and vibrant papaya, their sweetness a counterpoint to earthy black beans. Every bite is a fiesta for the senses, a kaleidoscope of colors mirroring the vibrant rainforest around you.

Costa Rican cuisine is an artistic expression. Fluffy white rice serves as a canvas for vibrant black beans, deep and earthy. Ruby-red tomatoes and emerald green plantains add pops of color. Each dish celebrates fresh, local ingredients, bursting with the life force of the Costa Rican rainforest.

Local spices add fiery warmth with chilies or earthy complexity with achiote. The gentle sweetness of golden fried plantains complements savory stews rich with Costa Rican soul. Quench your thirst with vibrant batidos, tropical fruits blended with ice, their cool sweetness a refreshing contrast to the valley's warm embrace.

Ignite Your Passion

What to expect:

  • Engage in powerful workshops that delve deep into the essence of your spirit, sexuality, and intimate connections. I will guide you through transformative exercises that help you understand and embrace your true nature. Here, you'll find a safe space to explore your desires, release old patterns, and cultivate a profound sense of self-awareness.

  • Begin each day with invigorating yoga sessions that align your body, mind, and spirit. As you flow through each pose, feel the energy of the Diamante Valley infuse your practice, grounding you in the present moment. These sessions are designed to enhance your physical vitality and open your heart to deeper emotional and spiritual experiences.

  • Immerse yourself in guided meditations that bring clarity and peace. Whether you're meditating by a serene waterfall or under the canopy of the rainforest, these moments of stillness allow you to connect with your innermost self. Discover the tranquility that lies within and carry this sense of calm into every aspect of your life.

  • Experience the power of connection through partnered activities that build trust, intimacy, and mutual respect. From guided touch exercises to shared reflections, these activities create a sacred space for authentic interaction. Learn to communicate openly, listen deeply, and support one another in your individual journeys.

  • Take time for personal reflection amidst the natural beauty of Costa Rica. Whether journaling by the river or contemplating in a quiet nook of the forest, these moments of introspection allow you to process your experiences and insights. Here, you can integrate what you've learned and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

  • Join heart circles where you can speak your truth and be heard with empathy and compassion. These circles foster a sense of community and belonging, as each participant shares their stories and listens to others. It's a space where vulnerability is met with support, and where each voice contributes to the collective wisdom of the group.

  • Embark on excursions that showcase the stunning landscapes of Costa Rica. Visit the majestic Nauyaca Falls, where the cascading waters invite you to release and renew. Explore the pristine shores of Dominical Beach, where the ocean's vastness mirrors the boundless potential within you. Each adventure is an opportunity to connect with nature and yourself in profound ways.

  • "Totally You" is an invitation to integrate every aspect of who you are. Through workshops, yoga, meditation, partnered activities, reflection, heart circles, and excursions, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. By the end of this retreat, you will leave with a renewed sense of self, a deeper connection to your spirituality, sexuality, and intimacy, and a heart full of memories and insights to carry forward.

1. Wouldn't it feel great to bring your sexuality, spirituality, and intimacy together?

Absolutely! Bringing these essential parts of yourself into harmony can be incredibly empowering and fulfilling. It’s a transformative experience that can enrich every aspect of your existence.

2. Can you imagine how fantastic it would be to discover your purpose and meaning in life?

Yes! Discovering your purpose and meaning in life is an exhilarating journey that fills you with a deep sense of direction and fulfillment. At this retreat, you’ll be guided to explore your inner passions and values, unlocking the incredible potential within you to live a life full of purpose and joy.

3. Wouldn't it feel liberating to open yourself up to creating truly vulnerable and meaningful relationships?

Definitely! Opening yourself up to vulnerability and meaningful relationships is a liberating experience. This retreat provides a safe space to explore and nurture these connections, leading to lasting bonds and personal growth.

4. Can you imagine feeling the freedom of living a healthy and authentic version of masculinity beyond societal expectations?

Yes! Living a healthy and authentic version of masculinity beyond societal expectations is a liberating and fulfilling experience. This retreat provides the tools and environment to help you achieve this freedom, enabling you to live confidently and authentically.

5. Wouldn’t it be great to embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring your sexuality and embracing who you truly are, without fear?

Absolutely! Embarking on a journey of self-discovery to explore your sexuality and embrace your true self is a powerful and freeing experience. This retreat is designed to support you every step of the way, making this journey as empowering as possible.

The Extras.

  • A Clarity Call to get to know each other better and make sure we’re a fit for each other, and also to find out how I can support you better on your journey

  • Connect via Facebook Group created for this retreat – you will have full access to allow us to connect pre/post trip as we prepare for this adventure

  • Zoom Group Call (pre/post) – an opportunity to meet everyone in the group, as well as ask any questions to help prepare for the trip.

  • Special gift upon departure

  • Epic farewell entertainment

Nature’s Cradle

Welcome to the Diamante Valley!

I chose the Diamante Valley in Costa Rica because its raw, untamed beauty perfectly mirrors the transformative journey I envision for this retreat. The lush, vibrant rainforest, offers a sanctuary where you can truly disconnect from the noise of everyday life and reconnect with your deepest self. Here, amidst the whispering leaves and cascading waters, you can explore your vulnerabilities and desires without fear of judgment, embraced by the serene and powerful energy of nature.

The Diamante Valley also hums with an ancient, ancestral energy that aligns with the harmonious integration of spirit, sexuality, and intimacy we aim to achieve. This place, steeped in the rich history of indigenous cultures living in harmony with the land, provides the perfect backdrop for our journey.

The vibrant, untamed essence of Costa Rica ignites a sense of adventure, calling you to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

What’s Included:

  • 7 nights 8 days accommodation at The Jungle Gayborhood

  • All delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners made with local natural organic ingredients, including excursion picnics

  • Airport transfers in Costa Rica — Airport to The Jungle Gayborhood and back to airport at designated times

  • Fees for all national parks and wildlife viewing areas

  • Group Yoga & Meditation sessions 

  • All workshops and group activities

  • All scheduled adventures are totally on us including excursions to Nauyaca Falls and Dominical Beach

  • Connect via Facebook Group created for this retreat – you will have full access to allow us to connect pre/post trip as we prepare for this adventure

  • Zoom Group Calls (pre/post) – an opportunity to meet everyone in the group, as well as ask any questions to help prepare for the trip.

  • Special gift upon departure

  • Epic farewell entertainment

What’s not included:

  • Air travel to and from Costa Rica

  • Spa/massage services

  • Personal phone calls

  • Alcohol

  • Optional Activities

  • Gratuities

  • Souvenir shopping

  • Personal, medical or trip cancellation insurance

  • Visa for Costa Rica — Please ensure you have your visa ahead of time


Trevor’s Story

As a man, I've often found myself struggling to integrate three core aspects of my being: spirituality, sexuality, and intimacy. This journey has been anything but straightforward, marked by moments of confusion, self-doubt, and profound revelation.

Early life

From a young age, I was taught that spirituality and sexuality were two separate realms. Growing up in a conservative environment, spirituality was framed as a sacred, pure pursuit, while sexuality was often shrouded in shame and secrecy. The messages were clear: spiritual growth was to be pursued with fervor, while sexual desires were to be controlled, if not outright suppressed. Intimacy, on the other hand, seemed like an elusive concept—something I was supposed to desire and excel at, yet was never clearly explained or demonstrated in a healthy way.

In my thirties, I began to question these dichotomies. The more I delved into my spiritual practices, the more I felt an internal dissonance. My spiritual practice felt incomplete and disconnected from my physical and emotional experiences. My relationships, too, suffered from this fragmentation. I longed for a deeper connection but was unsure how to bridge these parts of myself.

Eureka moment

A turning point came when I started exploring mindfulness and spirituality. These practices taught me to be present with my thoughts and feelings without judgment. Through mindfulness, I began to understand that my sexuality was not something to be hidden or ashamed of, but a natural and beautiful part of my humanity. This realization was both liberating and terrifying, as it meant challenging deeply ingrained beliefs and societal norms that I had internalized.

Integrating intimacy into this mix was equally challenging. Intimacy requires vulnerability—a willingness to be seen and accepted as we are, flaws and all. For me, this meant opening up about my struggles, fears, and desires. It wasn't easy; the fear of rejection and judgment loomed large. But as I took small steps toward vulnerability, I discovered that true intimacy could not exist without authenticity. The more honest I became about my needs and insecurities, the more profound and genuine my connections became.

Life is messy

One of the most profound lessons I've learned is that integrating spirituality, sexuality, and intimacy is not about achieving perfection. It's about embracing the messiness of being human and allowing these aspects of ourselves to coexist harmoniously. This integration has deepened my relationships, both with others and with myself, fostering a sense of wholeness and peace. I began to see that my spirituality could be enhanced by acknowledging my sexual self and that true intimacy required a blend of both spiritual and physical presence.

Why I created this retreat

This retreat, "Totally You: Integrating Spirituality, Sexuality and Intimacy," was born from a deep desire to ignite a revolution. I envision a world where men can embrace the totality of their being, where these fundamental aspects intertwine to create a life of vibrant authenticity. Here, in the cradle of Costa Rica's wild beauty, we'll weave a tapestry of self-discovery, shattering limitations and empowering you to live as your most whole and magnificent self. Here, under the canopy of the rainforest, I invite you to break free from societal constraints and embrace the symphony of your authentic self. Let's create a brotherhood built on open conversations, where vulnerability isn't a weakness but the bridge to connection and purpose.

Visit Trevor’s website:

Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin is a passionate mindset coach dedicated to supporting spiritual gay men through sexual and relational empowerment. Growing up on a family farm in Pemberville, Ohio, Kevin was inspired by his grandfather and found joy in activities like riding roller coasters at Cedar Point. Raised in a conservative Lutheran church, Kevin faced challenges in accepting his sexuality, which fueled his journey towards self-love.

Now - and for the past ten years - he offers individual coaching and courses such as "Celebrating Sexuality," aiming to help others release sexual and relational anxiety and embrace their true selves. He also created "The Backroom," an adults-only coaching space for gay men where he provides video resources pertaining to body image, self-acceptance, releasing shame, mindful masturbation, and guided meditation for sexual self-confidence.

For more information, visit Kevin's website:


  • The "Totally You" retreat is a transformative program designed to help men integrate spirituality, sexuality, and intimacy. Through workshops, yoga, meditation, partnered activities, reflection, heart circles, and excursions, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and deep connection with like-minded men.

  • This retreat is for men of all backgrounds who are seeking to explore and integrate their spirituality, sexuality, and intimacy. It’s ideal for those looking to deepen their self-awareness, build meaningful relationships, and transform their lives in a supportive and beautiful environment.

    Gay, bisexual, and queer cis- or trans-men of any age, body shape, race, and background are welcome. Straight-identified men are welcome with the understanding that there will be intimate contact with other men, though you will be able to establish your own boundaries.

  • The retreat includes a variety of activities such as workshops on spirituality and intimacy, daily yoga and meditation sessions, partnered activities to build trust and connection, personal reflection time, heart circles for sharing and listening, and excursions to local natural wonders like Nauyaca Falls and Dominical Beach.

  • No prior experience with yoga or meditation is necessary. Our sessions are designed to accommodate all levels, and our instructors will provide guidance and modifications to suit your individual needs.

  • Yes, we offer flexible payment plans and financial assistance options to make the retreat accessible to more participants. Please contact us for more details on how we can help accommodate your financial situation.

  • We recommend packing comfortable clothing for yoga and outdoor activities, swimwear, a journal, personal toiletries, and any medications you may need. A detailed packing list will be provided upon registration.

  • The retreat is held in the Diamante Valley, Costa Rica. We will provide detailed travel instructions and can assist with arranging transportation from the nearest airport. Many participants fly into Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO) in San José, and from there, we can help coordinate travel to the retreat site.

  • We can accommodate various dietary restrictions and preferences. Please let us know about any specific needs when you register, and our team will ensure that your meals are tailored to your requirements.

  • Our facilitator and support staff are available throughout the retreat to assist you with any needs or concerns. We provide a nurturing and supportive environment to ensure that you have a transformative and enriching experience.


  • While the price may seem high, think of it as an investment in yourself and your future. This retreat offers a unique, transformative experience that integrates spirituality, sexuality, and intimacy in ways that can profoundly enrich your life. The skills, insights, and connections you'll gain are priceless and will benefit you long after the retreat ends. We also offer flexible payment plans to make it more accessible.

  • We understand that timing can be challenging. However, consider the long-term benefits of this retreat. If the current dates don’t work, please let us know—we often have multiple sessions throughout the year, and we might be able to find one that fits better with your schedule.

  • The duration of the retreat is designed to ensure that you have ample time to immerse yourself fully in the experience and achieve significant personal transformation. Think of it as a worthwhile break from your routine, providing the necessary time to disconnect, reflect, and grow in a supportive environment.

  • Traveling internationally for the first time can be daunting, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. We provide comprehensive support to help you every step of the way, from travel arrangements to on-site assistance. Many participants find that overcoming this fear is a significant part of their personal growth journey.

  • Many people in Costa Rica speak English, especially in areas frequented by tourists. Additionally, we offer detailed travel instructions and support to help you navigate any language barriers. Our team is here to assist you before and during the retreat to ensure your experience is smooth and enjoyable.

  • Costa Rica is generally considered one of the safest countries in Central America, especially in the areas where our retreat is held. We take your safety very seriously and choose locations and accommodations that are secure and reputable. Additionally, our retreat includes guided excursions with trusted local guides to ensure your safety and comfort.

  • While travel time can be a consideration, think of it as the first step in your journey of transformation. The effort you put into getting there is part of the commitment to yourself and your growth. Once you arrive, the stunning beauty and tranquility of the Diamante Valley will make the journey worthwhile.

  • Many participants come alone, and this retreat is designed to foster connections and build a supportive community from the start. You’ll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are also seeking personal growth and transformation. By the end of the retreat, you’ll likely form deep, lasting friendships and feel a strong sense of brotherhood.